Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jan. 15, 2013 - Undivided Attention

           I want to start off saying thank you to everyone who gave me feedback about yesterdays post. The information gained was up lifting and helped me open my eyes to the benefits of classes, different styles of yoga, and teachers. While it will still take some more looking into on my part. I agree with taking a general yoga class (other than Ashtanga) in my local area. Diversity is always a good thing. I also have set my mind to seeking out a Mysore class down the road. Even though other styles might not be my prime choice, finding the right teacher who can guide me in the fundamentals and show me proper technique is in my best interest. Last thing I want is another injury. 

            So what about today? The positive tone was set when I woke up to my email account on my phone alerting me of new comments on my blog. After reading each of them, it gave me that smile and edge I needed. It's funny how people you've never met can have such an impact on our lives. So I took to my mat like a champion and gave it my all. 

           I was in the mist of Navasana  when I hear my youngest son screaming "MOM" from the other room. Followed by an even longer "MOMMMMMM". Around the 4th Navasana the door to my yoga room flies open, sending the door into the wall, and me to come off balance. I quickly turn around to see my son standing in the door way holding a empty bowl. Before I could even get a word out he demands "MORE" (orange slices, is what filled the bowl prior to me starting my practice). All I could do was sigh, knowing it was going to be a long morning. So I reached over and hit the pause button on my dvd player. I dashed through the house like a mad woman. I'm running around the kitchen doing the typical mommy check off list. More fruit slices, check. Blanket and pillow on sofa, check. TV on and toys in reach, check. I grab my son and the fruit, rushing into the living room. At this point I'm crossing my fingers that he will remain happy and comfortable until I'm finished. All was looking good, so I darted to my yoga room, heated back up my doing 4 Sun Salutations and pressing play on my dvd. I get all the way to Supta Padangushtasana, when again the door comes flying open, this time nearly missing my head by mere inches. There he is AGAIN! Only now he is demanding "Drink". In my head I'm thinking, "Drink?!? How could I of forgotten the (BLEEP) drink!". By this point, I'm totally flustered. Knowing my son is never this demanding, the only thing I can think of is he is getting upset about my lack of attention towards him. Which I can understand because prior to my yoga journey, it was him and I always snuggled up on the sofa each morning chilling out to cartoons. I do try to make up for the lack of morning snuggles but I'm sure it's not the same to him. We are both learning to accept this change in life. 
          So how does one practice undisturbed in the mornings when there is little feet running around the house? To be honest, I have no idea how I've made it work this far. It's more like trial and error. Each day trying new things. Finding what works best and how to balance the times it doesn't. Some days it even takes putting my practice on hold until he is off to bed. The only thing I can do is sit back and wait for the day he understands or reaches 18 and moves out. Whatever comes first. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Only 1? So easy. But seriously, the only solutions I've found are these:
    1. get up earlier, like 5am, before they get up.
    2. practice with them, which is totally different then a self practice, but better than no practice at all. Let them climb on you in down dog, teach them fun things like crow (bakasana)
    4. Have a temper tantrum about having your yoga practice interupted again, and go buy a mountain bike. Don't laugh, I've done it. Sometimes you just have to get out of the house to maintain your sanity.
