Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Jan. 9, 2013 - Attaining Success

            It is afternoon time here and while my oldest son just got home, I was watching him sit at the dining room table diligently doing his homework. I was inspired by him. I thought to myself that if he can come home every day and stay on task with his school work, I can follow in his footsteps and take the time to sit down and write my story. It's amazing what we can learn from our children.

            Like I promised myself last night, today was my first session back on the yoga mat since I injured my knee. I didn't push myself to finish the whole primary series. Instead I worked on surya namaskara and the standing asanas. I'm still babying my knee. I was very careful to avoid anything thing that would keep my knee in flexion for long periods of time. I was also very cautious about any external rotation of my hip joints. After a few days of reflecting on my injury I noted that lotus pose (or any pose that deals with the ankle being higher than the knee) must be obtained by a full external rotation of the hip. It takes roughly 145 degrees of rotation in the hip to safely enter lotus pose. The thing is that  lotus can only be obtained by rotating the hip joint fully. If the hips are not open then entering lotus is very dangerous because instead of rotating the hip, you are rotating the knee away from the femur in a unnatural way. Thus causing injury to any one of the ligaments and tendons in the knee. Plus its very painful!!! So word to the wise, do not push yourself for Lotus pose or any pose like it. It will come in time.

            With all that said, I worked very hard on technique in my practice today. Trying to keep my bandhas (locks) activated, my drishti (gaze) focused, and worked extremely hard on my pranayama (the extention of life force) and Ujjayi (breathing). My work on these few techniques were very rewarding. Physically I felt my muscles strengthen and was able to easier enter poses. But the amazing feat was the stillness in my mind, which was given to me by the breath and the gaze. For the first time I was really able to relax into my poses.

            So the overall lesson of today was technique is more important than being able to fully enter any pose. The techniques are what allow us to understand and obtain the true physical yoga experience.

            I want to end today with a quote....

            "Yuva vrddho'thivrddho va vyadhito durbalo'pi va Abhyasat siddimapnoti sarvayogeshvatandritah."

            "Whether young, old or very old, sick or debilitated, one who is vigilant attains success in all the yogas, by means of practice."

            -Hatha Yoga Pradipika i : 64

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